Ökowerks Concrete Design is accepting new concrete countertop business!
We're excited to announce that Ökowerks Concrete Design is accepting new business! Looking to add concrete countertops, concrete sinks, furniture or other custom concrete solutions to your remodel or new build? We currently have openings for new projects. Contact us today and let's talk about how your vision and our designs will make your project a reality.
At Ökowerks Concrete Design we use the most modern and technologically advanced concrete designs and mixes. Almost infinite choices of color, thickness, and texture. Finish options are available from matte to gloss, Modern? Rustic? Yep, we can do that. Whenever possible we use locally sourced materials, and a high recycled content in our concrete mixes. Up to 60%+ recycled content! Concrete is completely customizable. Size,color and thickness ranges that simply aren't an option with other materials are offered with concrete. Take a look at what modern concrete can do for you.
Contact us today and let's make your dream a reality! Okowerks Concrete Design. www.okowerksconcretedesign.com 512-312-7012 info@okowerks.com
Serving Austin and the Greater Central Texas Metro area.